OpenSSL ToolKit Usage
OpenSSL Toolkit Usage
OpenSSL is a great project, which provide a excellent implement of SSL and TLS protocol, and also a great toolkit which can do many of kinds of job related with cryptography field.There is a Great tutorial of openssl command toolkit: openssl introduction.
This article has also some extension based above introduction. And this article collect some the uses of openssl command, which I already tested in linux environment.
Table of Contents
- 1 Use openssl as a encryption and decryption tool
- 1.1 symmetric cipher algorithms
- 1.2 asymmetric cipher algorithm (public key algorithm)
- 2 Create a signature of a file
- 3 verify certificate authority (CA) by command line
- 4 How to retrieve some web site's certificate by command line?
- 5 openssl's system path to store CA.
- 6 build your own CA step by step
- 7 X509 PKCS#12 PKCS#8
1 Use openssl as a encryption and decryption tool
There are some kinds of classification methods of encryption algorithms -- asymmetric and symmetric algorithms or secret key and public key algorithms. Following sections provide a tutorial of how to use openssl as a cipher tool.
1.1 symmetric cipher algorithms
To see the complete list of the symmetric algorithms:
openssl list-cipher-commandsencrypt and decrypt by one cipher mentioned above. (in this case use aes-256-cbc)
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -in plain.txt -out ciphertext.txt openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -in ciphertext.txt -out decrypt.txt
1.2 asymmetric cipher algorithm (public key algorithm)
Generate the RSA key file first.
openssl genrsa -out rsakey.pem 2048 # maybe you need to encrypt the key file openssl rsa -in rsakey.pem -des3 -out rsakey.enc.pem # you can view the key file details (moduels, private key, public key) openssl rsa -in rsakey.pem -text -noout # yes, you can extract the public key openssl rsa -in rsakey.pem -pubout -out pub-rsakey.pemencrypt or decrypt by RSA public key algorithm.
# encyption, the plain.txt must no longer than 116 bytes = 928 bits openssl rsautl -encrypt -in plain.txt -inkey rsakey.pem -out cipher.txt # much better method, to encrypt by just the public key # openssl rsautl -encrypt -in plain.txt -pubin -inkey pub-rsakey.pem -out cipher.txt # decrypt the cipher.txt openssl rsautl -decrypt -in cipher.txt -inkey rsakey.pem -out plain.txt
2 Create a signature of a file
This section is a step to step tutorial to illustrate how to create a digit signature and verify it.
- Create a digest by chosen hash function
# you can choose hash functions listed by openssl dgst --help openssl dgst -sha1 -out file.digest file.txt
- encrypt the digest to create a signature
# generate the RSA key key.pem first openssl rsautl -sign -in file.digest -out file.sig -inkey key.pem
- verify the signature
# customer can verfiy the digist buy decrypt the signature file to # create a digest file, and compare the digest with the file to # verify the signature. # How to extract pub-key from key.pem refer to above section. openssl rsautl -verify -in file.sig -out file.digest -inkey pub-key.pem -pubin
3 verify certificate authority (CA) by command line
openssl verify pem-file
4 How to retrieve some web site's certificate by command line?
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect > cert_file
5 openssl's system path to store CA.
openssl version -d
6 build your own CA step by step
- create a root Certificate Create a root Certificate means that build a certificate which is self signed. A self signed certificate is the center of a Certificate Authority(CA) which can be used to issue other client certificate. You need to configure the computer's openssl.cnf to set your PC's CA environment. This section show you how to create root certificate and issue certificate. you can follow this section's instruction to create the root certificate and put that into the location mentioned in openssl.cnf file.
- generate a private key
openssl genrsa -3 -out rootca.key 2048
This command create a file contain both public and private key, which are encrypted. The next command can view the details of RSA key pair.
openssl rsa -in rootca.key -text -noout
You also can choose the encryption algorithm to cipher the RSA key file
openssl rsa -in target.key -des3 -out enc-target.pem
- create the certificate
openssl req -new -x509 -sha1 -key rootca.key -out rootca.x509.pem -days 1000 -subj "/..."
- generate a private key
- create a Certificate issued by root CA
- generate a private key
openssl genrsa -3 -out hostca.key 2048
- Fill in the certificate request
openssl req -new -key hostca.key -out hostca.req
- Issue the certificate with the Root CA
openssl x509 -req -days 1000 -sha1 -extensions v3_req \ -CA rootca.crt -CAkey rootca.key -CAserial -CAcreateserial \ -in hostca.req -out hostca.pem
- generate a private key
7 X509 PKCS#12 PKCS#8
There are many file format in openssl toolkit. Some of them really puzzled me, so I make this introduction, which target to conceptional distinguish them. PKCS#8 is a store of private key. X509 is associated with signature information and public key. PKCS#12 is combination of certificate and private key which is protected by password. And java keystore is an archive of many PKCS#12 file. PKCS#8 PEM/DER key and traditional RSA private key is actually same thing in different format.
- convert traditional private key to PKCS#8 without no password:
openssl pkcs8 -in private.key -topk8 -outform DER -out target.pk8 -nocrypt
- convert above PKCS#8 to pem/DER format
openssl pkcs8 -inform DER -nocrypt -in target.pk8 -out target.key.pem
- convert above PEM/DER format key to traditional RSA private key
openssl rsa -in target.key.pem -out target.key
- encrypt the private key file:
openssl rsa -in target.key -des3 -out enc-target.pem
- extract pub key from the file RSA key file
openssl rsa -in key.pem -pubout -out pub-key.pem
openssl pkcs12 -export -in file.cert -inkey file.key -out file.p12 -password pass:passphrase -name alias
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