Qt is on the edge of cross-platform GUI framework
Qt is on the edge of cross-platform GUI framework
This may be the beginning of serial articles related Qt.1 Qt in my view
There are two targets in the current stage of my career . One of them is to be a GUI programming export, the another is to be a master of wireless communication software engineer. So let's come back to GUI programming, there are two targets in this field as a former Linux programmer, GTK, and Qt. My personal favorite to that two platform can be separated into two phases.
At the beginning, I was once a GTK advocator, because I tried both KDE and Gnome desktop environment, I have to declare that I like Gnome much more than KDE. KDE is developed by Qt while Gnome is completely built on the GTK. I guess that was why I like GTK much more at the beginning. The other reason is that most Linux distributions, like ubuntu and fedora, was tight bounded with some of GTK's basic libraries. For example, I use Glib as my daily tool.
Then, something changed, after I read some of Qt's recently document. I found Qt is the leading cross-platform GUI framework. It is much more compatible with Mac OS and window, it even provides the embedded and mobile version.
At the beginning, I was once a GTK advocator, because I tried both KDE and Gnome desktop environment, I have to declare that I like Gnome much more than KDE. KDE is developed by Qt while Gnome is completely built on the GTK. I guess that was why I like GTK much more at the beginning. The other reason is that most Linux distributions, like ubuntu and fedora, was tight bounded with some of GTK's basic libraries. For example, I use Glib as my daily tool.
Then, something changed, after I read some of Qt's recently document. I found Qt is the leading cross-platform GUI framework. It is much more compatible with Mac OS and window, it even provides the embedded and mobile version.
2 New version of Qt5.2.0 released
The New version of Qt 5.2.0 released few days ago, it enhanced its compatible in mobile development. I need not be bothered by the portable problems in the future because Qt will work well on both Android and iPhone platforms.
3 Qt in Ubuntu
Ubuntu is becoming the Qt's biggest advocate. Ubuntu's Unity(Desktop environment) is built based on Qt, the newest Unity built on Qt5 is to use the raw OpenGL features. Ubuntu was abandoned gnome since its 12.04 release.
I tried Unity, I have to accept the fact that Unity is faster than Gnome3 which is the default desktop environment of Fedora 19. Now most of the times were working in ubuntu's Unity desktop environment, I turned to Qt based desktop again.
Now Let's talk about Ubuntu's touch project ( a competitor of Android and iPhone) which is built based on Qt. Ubuntu is even developing its own display server(like Xorg) – Mir, whose first compatible GUI framework is Qt.
It's not hard to give the conclusion that Qt will dominate the GUI framework field.
I tried Unity, I have to accept the fact that Unity is faster than Gnome3 which is the default desktop environment of Fedora 19. Now most of the times were working in ubuntu's Unity desktop environment, I turned to Qt based desktop again.
Now Let's talk about Ubuntu's touch project ( a competitor of Android and iPhone) which is built based on Qt. Ubuntu is even developing its own display server(like Xorg) – Mir, whose first compatible GUI framework is Qt.
It's not hard to give the conclusion that Qt will dominate the GUI framework field.
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