Reverse Engineering Android apk
Reverse Engineering Android apk Table of Contents Background Apktool dex2jar + JD-GUI 1 Background Here is my puzzle at this moment, my superior gave me a task to make Bluetooth Low Energy product which includes Android APP part, but there are no virtual designer and product manager, just myself as a software engineer. So, my first step is to found out a similar product and refer its design. Then, I need to decompile that app, some reverse engineering skills of Android app and java are necessary. I guess following two methods are enough to decompile an Android app. 2 Apktool ApkTool is a tool for reverse engineering Android apps, what it is pretty good at is to decode resources to nearly original form and rebuild them after some modification. But the java code part is decompiled into the smali format, which is not a good format to read and understand. 3 dex2jar + JD-GUI Apktool can not generate readable java source code, actually, there are no re...