Learning Lua
Learning Lua
Table of Contents
- Background
- Tables
- metatable
- functions
- coroutine
- Lua as Object-oriented programming
1 Background
Lua as an embedded language was popular in the game industry and also in any embedded scenario. I tried to wrote a Lua module for Nginx, which already has a ported Lua environment inside. And since this is my first time to get familiar with Lua, and to enjoy its simplicity.
My learning materials were no special, but its official document.
I wrote my notes down in order for future review.
My learning materials were no special, but its official document.
I wrote my notes down in order for future review.
2 Tables
To understand table is to understand Lua, or in another word, Lua's syntax was nothing but just tables, no more.
Tables in Lua is in similar with the dictionary in Python, in my view.
Tables in Lua is in similar with the dictionary in Python, in my view.
a = {}
a.x = 1
a['x'] = 1
2.1 metatable
Lua's metatable is similar to magic methods in python.
3 functions
Lua as a functional programming language, because the function is also the first-class variable. That's where the magic happened.
function rename(arg) return os.rename(arg.old, arg.new) end rename{old="older.txt", new="new.txt"}
4 coroutine
a coroutine is similar to the thread in another language.
co = coroutine.create(function(a, b) while true do coroutine.yield(a+b, a-b) end end) print(coroutine.status(co)) print(coroutine.resume(co, 20, 10)) print(coroutine.status(co))
5 Lua as Object-oriented programming
Lua implements inheritance and multi-inheritance by metatable.
-- single inheritance Window = {} Window.prototype = {x=0, y=0, width=100, height=100} Window.mt = {} function Window.new(o) setmetatable(o, Window.mt) return o end Window.mt.__index = function(table, key) return Window.prototype[key] end w = Window.new{x=10, y=20} print(w.x) print(w.width) -- use createClass to generate class from multi-ones function createClass(list) local c = {} local function search(k) for i=1, table.getn(list) do local v = list[i][k] if v then return v end end end -- class will search for each method in the list of its setmetatable(c, {__index = function(t, k) local v = search(k) t[k] = v return v end}) -- prepare c to be the metatable of its instances c.__index = c -- define a new constructor for this new class function c:new (o) o = o or {} setmetatable(o, c) return o end return c end
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