Learning IOS programming with Swift
I already spent more than three months to learning programming in IOS, my first learning resources are the on-line courses in Udemy , most of them are so silly that I just learned how to use the visual programming toolkit, Xcode. After leaving the help the storyboard, I still can not start a project. In the really IOS project, the storyboard and Xib visual interface not permitted at a real project. All the layout and views are organized programming in code. Then, I purchased the famous IOS book, Programming IOS 9: Dive deep into views, view controllers, and Frameworks. It tokens me $30 dollars in Amazon’s market, but I tell you It worth every coin. this is an excellent book. I can do IOS programming now, although still at the junior stage. During my learning progress, I found out the Apple’s on-line office document so sucks. I can not figure out where to get started. As an Android developer, I learned everything I need from its office website. What I just did is to downloa...