Learning IOS programming with Swift
I already spent more than three months to learning programming in IOS, my first learning resources are the on-line courses in Udemy, most of them are so silly that I just learned how to use the visual programming toolkit, Xcode. After leaving the help the storyboard, I still can not start a project. In the really IOS project, the storyboard and Xib visual interface not permitted at a real project. All the layout and views are organized programming in code.
Then, I purchased the famous IOS book, Programming IOS 9: Dive deep into views, view controllers, and Frameworks. It tokens me $30 dollars in Amazon’s market, but I tell you It worth every coin. this is an excellent book. I can do IOS programming now, although still at the junior stage.
During my learning progress, I found out the Apple’s on-line office document so sucks. I can not figure out where to get started. As an Android developer, I learned everything I need from its office website. What I just did is to downloading the Android Studio IDE, and start my first Hello world project. And there are so many samples at Android’s SDK directory, the API-demo source code is where I searched once and once again to get a sample code of how one of Android’s API works.
Yeah, an API demos is what a newbie want at the early stage, but I can not found one of them. The Programming in IOS books are attached with so many samples, still, inconvenience to check out. Then why not reorganize the source codes to make a similar project. Here she is the IOS-ApiDemo.
After two months of prepare, I announced the coming of IOS-ApiDemo, a copycat of Android’s ApiDemo sample. She is still at the newbie stage, I still working on this project to cover all the topics of IOS.
This is my first posted article of IOS programming, the upcoming ones are on their way. IOS’s View, Layout, Drawing and Animation mechanisms are so different compared to the Android. I think IOS is much advanced at its Animation and Drawing API design, it worth learning.
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