How to use quicklisp to manager common lisp packages

quicklisp is an amazing tool in common lisp tool. It just like "easy-install" in python field, and "cpan" in Perl world.

* How to install or load package by quicklisp

We can install or load some package into lisp's core image by quicklisp's help,

(ql:quickload "package name")

this will load the package, if this package didn't installed, it will search in the quicklisp's repository in the net, and install it.

But, If I want to load a package that is developed by myself. May I use ql:quickload to manage my personal project? Yes, you can.

ql:quickload use the ASDF2 package to do this. First, We need to config ASDF, it can scan a particular directory tree for my own project. To do that, I create a config file named ~/.config/common-lisp/source-registry.conf.d/projects.conf  
that has following stuff:

(:tree (:home "src/lisp/"))

now you can load you project, by:

(ql:quickload "my package") 
(require "my package")
(asdf:load-system "my package")
if asdf can not find the symbol; try to initialize asdf source registry by

* How to create a project by quicklisp

I need to create a project named "mypackage"

(ql:quickload "quickproject")
(quickproject:make-project "~/src/lisp/mypackage"
                           :depends-on '(ql))

quickproject:make-project create several files in above directory

* package.lisp
* mypackage.lisp
* mypackage.asd
* README.txt


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