SSH X11 forwarding

I wrote some ssh port forwarding in a previous post.

But there is some difference in X11 port forwarding.  First, Let's introduce some knowledge about X. X system is the standard basic display system in the Unix-like world,  it has an C/S framework -- server and client and they communicate with each other by TCP/IP network. SSH provide X11 forwarding function, which can be used when X server and client do not run in the same host.

The following link is a good tutorial in ssh X11 forwarding.

We can use SSH to do X11 port forwarding (ports 6000-6063).

ssh -X -C user@remothost

-X: enable X11 forwarding
-x: disable X11 forwarding
-C: Compress the traffic, useful in the lower network.

then, we can run the graphical application in remote host, but displayed in local host.
That mean the graphical application running in remote host use the X server in localhost to display itself.


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